Sunday, February 19, 2012

Can Select ever be in Xact log?

Can select statements ever go into the transaction log?Selects do not get logged in the tran log. If you want to see what
statements are being executed you should use trace or profiler for that.
Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
"Jim Weiler" <> wrote in message
> Can select statements ever go into the transaction log?
A select into will write to the transaction log, but as Andrew says regular
selects will not.
I once got asked this question at an interview, after answering the
question, the interviewer told me he was sorry but I was wrong and all
selects were written to the transaction log. It’s a bit hard to argue too
strongly with someone interviewing you. I told him I thought he was incorrec
and left it at that. He got a couple more questions wrong later in the
interview and I did not get the job because my technical knowledge was not
good enough.
"Andrew J. Kelly" wrote:

> Selects do not get logged in the tran log. If you want to see what
> statements are being executed you should use trace or profiler for that.
> --
> Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
> "Jim Weiler" <> wrote in message
>|||Hi John !

> A select into will write to the transaction log
I admit that I haven't used a log reader to investigate the log records for
... SELECT for that matter), but I will venture a guess that what is record
ed would be each inserted
row and not the SELECT statement. One could argue that the inserted rows wil
l show you what the
SELECT returned, of course. Splitting hairs, I guess... :-)

> I once got asked this question at an interview, <snip>
I hate it when this happens. My experiences are from MCT tests. I score far
higher on products I
don't know that well, where I only score OK on SQL Server.
Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
"John Bandettini" <> wrote in messag
> Jim
> A select into will write to the transaction log, but as Andrew says regula
> selects will not.
> I once got asked this question at an interview, after answering the
> question, the interviewer told me he was sorry but I was wrong and all
> selects were written to the transaction log. It’s a bit hard to argue to
> strongly with someone interviewing you. I told him I thought he was incorr
> and left it at that. He got a couple more questions wrong later in the
> interview and I did not get the job because my technical knowledge was not
> good enough.
> Regards
> John
> "Andrew J. Kelly" wrote:

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