Saturday, February 25, 2012

Can somone help with this SQL query

Hi people,

I wasn't sure where to post this, it's a specific SQL syntax type problem, and didn't know where it should go. Sorry if there's a better place for it!

I want to update table 'Pupils' with some data from table 'TempAttendance'. I have an id number in the temp table that matches up with the pupil's id number in the proper 'Pupils' table.

I've tried loads, but I'm struggling!

So I want to update table Pupils.attendance with the value from TempAttendance.attendance where the ID = the ID. I can't get the syntax right. Pleas help if you can!


update pupils set attendance = (select attendance from TempAttendance where pupils.ID = TempAttendance.ID);

May sure you get only 1 record for each pupil.ID = TempAttendance.ID.


s_kushal answer is my answer.Plz check out

Thank u


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thanks for the efforts guys but I worked it out before this was moderated and posted!

kushal I already tried that and it didn't work.

This is what worked:

UPDATE tbl_pupils
SET ppl_attendance =
(SELECT Attendance
FROM dataget.TempAttendance
WHERE dataget.TempAttendance.adno = tbl_pupils.ppl_adno)
(SELECT Attendance
FROM dataget.TempAttendance
WHERE dataget.TempAttendance.adno = tbl_pupils.ppl_adno)

Thanks for helping anyway

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